Analysis of survey results on pre- and post-training on Fecal Sludge Management in Ben Tre City (FSM – phase 2)

Analysis of survey results on pre- and post-training on Fecal Sludge Management in Ben Tre City (FSM – phase 2)


As part of our Women-Led Output-Based Aid (WOBA) project framework, East Meets West Foundation (EMWF) has coordinated with People’s Committee (PC) and the Women’s Union (WU) of Ben Tre city to implement the “Fecal Sludge Management in Ben Tre City” project (FSM) from June 2020 to September 2022.

To help WU in Ben Tre city and 14 communes/wards gain knowledge about FSM and be confident to raise awareness for the community on FSM, EMWF collaborated with PC and WU of Ben Tre city to organize 05 trainings of trainers’ awareness from February 28 to March 4, 2022.

According to the survey results, the trainee’s perception of FSM awareness significantly changed. Before the training, only 24.7% participants had basic knowledge on FSM. Thanks to the trainings, there are up to 76.2% of participants know well about FSM and are confident to do the group meetings for households. FSM knowledge is analyzed through 6 topics: concept of hygienic latrines, concept of fecal sludge in septic tank, steps in management and treatment of fecal sludge, reusable septic sludge products, effect of untreated sludge and fecal sludge is managed properly.

Figure 1: Awareness of training participants about FSM

Besides, EMWF engaged the participants in the trainings through many methods by encouraging participants to give ideas, openly discuss such as participating participants in “Who is the millionaire” game show, …


Figure 2: Participants join the “Who is a millionaire” game 

Read the full report at: 20220720_FSM. Results on pre and post ToT trainings. Final

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