End-line Evaluation Report for Women-Led Output-Based Aid (WOBA) Cambodia


End-line Evaluation Report for Women-Led Output-Based Aid (WOBA) Cambodia

The evaluation report focuses on all aspects of the project programming, including sanitation, piped water connection, climate resilient water safety plan pilot, FSM pilot, menstrual health hygiene training, and other WASH related trainings.

A Rapid Review of Financial Risks for Water and Sanitation Businesses in Cambodia


A Rapid Review of Financial Risks for Water and Sanitation Businesses in Cambodia

This review of prior studies on financial risks in supply market of WASH products and services was conducted to better understand financial risks issues generally in developing countries and specifically in Cambodia. The report synthesises issues identified in the review and document the risks that WASH businesses encounter along the supply chains, and factors associated with these financial risks in the WASH markets particularly in Cambodia. The results are used to develop a questionnaire to survey private sector WAS suppliers in the WOBA project.

Summary report of the Mid-Term Evaluation of WOBA Cambodia


Summary report of the Mid-Term Evaluation of WOBA Cambodia

This report summarises the findings of the mid-term evaluation of WOBA Cambodia. The evaluation assesses WOBA’s progress towards its planned outcomes and support learning by exploring the effectiveness of the strategies and activities implemented from June 2018 to June 2021. The summary report explores some initial indications of impacts and sustainability. It provides important recommendation in the ongoing implementation of the program and progress towards the project’s end-of-program outcomes.

Report of the endline evaluation of Women-Led Output-Based Aid (WOBA) Vietnam


Report of the endline evaluation of Women-Led Output-Based Aid (WOBA) Vietnam

The purpose of the Endline Evaluation is to assess the WOBA project using the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) evaluation criteria including Relevance – Effectiveness – Efficiency – Impact - Sustainability. The theory of change defined for WOBA Vietnam has been used to define evaluation priority areas of inquiry which in turn links to the key evaluation questions. The priority areas of this Endline Evaluation are: 1. WASH services implemented using OBA focusing on the water component 2. Gender equality and social inclusion approach and outcomes 3. Fecal sludge management pilot 4. Climate resilient water safety plan pilot

Impacts of WOBA for marginalized households in rural Viet Nam. Lessons learnt from the Mid-Term Review of WOBA Viet Nam


Impacts of WOBA for marginalized households in rural Viet Nam. Lessons learnt from the Mid-Term Review of WOBA Viet Nam

This learning note is based on the findings from the mid term review of WOBA Vietnam, to share the knowledge and lessons learned about the beneficiaries’ WASH needs and the intended/unintended impacts of the WOBA project for the beneficiaries who are the marginalized households in the rural Vietnam.

End-line Evaluation Report for Women-Led Output-Based Aid (WOBA) Cambodia


End-line Evaluation Report for Women-Led Output-Based Aid (WOBA) Cambodia

The evaluation report focuses on all aspects of the project programming, including sanitation, piped water connection, climate resilient water safety plan pilot, FSM pilot, menstrual health hygiene training, and other WASH related trainings.