A glance of the CCN activities

This video is a summary of the practical activities that CCN members did over 6 months of the pilot. Each month, members learnt a topic and practiced an adaptation activity that they could do in their own home and village.


Living with Flood

Living with Flood is a collection of stories told by villagers and village chiefs in the rural villages of Cambodia about their experiences of living with flood. It was filmed in October 2021 in Prey Veng province, shortly after the peak period of flooding.


Precarious living: A conversation with Mr Phuong Phoeun

Precarious Living is a photo story based on a conversation with Mr Phoung Phouen and his wife. The conversation took place in March 2022 as part of this research project on climate change experience in rural Cambodia.


Piloting Citizens Climate Network (CCN) in Cambodia. First meeting in June 2022.

This video captures some of the activities in the first meeting of the pilot Citizens Climate Network in Pursat. The CCN is a 6 month pilot in rural Cambodia that provides a forum for the communities to share experiences and contribute to policy dialogues about climate change and adaptation.


Water for my vegetable garden: A conversation with Ms Son Sourn

Water for my garden is a photo story based on a conversation with Mrs Sorn Soun. The conversation took place in March 2022 as part of this research project about climate change experience in rural Cambodia.


Living organically: learning from the CCN

CCN member in Pursat describes how he cultivates soil and vegetables in his backyard


Seeds to vegetables: how a CCN member combines subsistence with livelihood

A CCN member in Prey Veng shares her story of growing vegetables for her family and earn extra income.


Choy sum for my family

CCN member in Prey Veng shares her success story of growing beans.


Learning from the CCN: Phat Saroun’s story

Phat Saroun was a CCN member in the Pursat province. When the CCN pilot finished, she volunteered to be a CCN champion to continue the efforts of CCN in raising community awareness of climate change and practical adaptation. In this clip, she talked about her experience in the CCN.


CCN from the local facilitator’s view

Mr Phoern Hom is a farmer from Boeng Kok village, Pursat province. He shares his view about the CCN, why he joined as a local facilitator and what he learnt. He is continuing the CCN efforts as a CCN champion by sharing knowledge about climate change and adaptation, and mobilising his village to grow vegetables.

Report of Focus Group Discussions and Scenario Experiment of WASH Suppliers’ Adaptation Financing


Report of Focus Group Discussions and Scenario Experiment of WASH Suppliers’ Adaptation Financing

This publication reports on the results of the scenario-based field experiment and focus group discussion with the private sector WASH suppliers to understand the internal and external conditions which influence their decisions to provide resilient WASH services in the community. It offers insights into the conditions that enable private sector providers to deliver resilient WASH services for marginalised communities in rural Cambodia.

WASH and Climate-related Issues in Cambodia: A scoping review


WASH and Climate-related Issues in Cambodia: A scoping review

This review scopes the current state of WASH access in Cambodia, and climate risks and vulnerability particularly in rural Cambodia. Relevant policies relating to WASH and climate mitigation and adaptation are discussed. The review is compiled to inform the development of the survey with households and local authorities about WASH situation, climate change experience and coping measures in rural Cambodia.